With experienced and knowledgeable expertise here in Power electronics our services are available. We make your problem easier and accessible. We guide you with best levels of service, guidance and product choice. We service your Goldmund products as well. As we have with us expertise and knowledgeable team they can handle any of the products. Be it local, national or international we service the products without losing the originality and work with utmost attention and enthusiasm. We are known as the most capable audio equipment servicing company in India. Our servicing is done with full keenness. Our goal is to fulfill the entire customer’s queries. Be it any problem in the Goldmund products we can service it with perfection and care.

Do you want to service Your Goldmund in India?



About Goldmund

Goldmund is an audio manufacturing equipment company. It is a Swiss company founded in 1978. The company shifted its headquarters to Monaco whereas manufacturing facilities and retaining R&D is done in Geneva. Ever since it started it has been specified to produce the most accurate sound in stereo and home theatre system. The quality lies in the craftsmanship and in their Swiss made label. First home wireless music distribution have been introduced in this company. With their team of electro-acoustic engineering experts this has been possible. Along with this the company has launched DVI output, mechanical grounding, thermal grounding, extreme multichannel processing and many more. The world’s most expensive turntable, Reference II was also introduced by the company. Fabulous products were also launched by the company such as the 5000 watts amplifier, the Eidos Reference Blue which is the utmost deluxe universal player, and the Goldmund Media Room an innovative modified home theatre solution.

Goldmund has developed audio and video equipment for more than thirty years. The company has reputable outstanding products over the years. Few products that were legendary are the Epilogue speakers, Reference turntable, power amplifiers. The products are manufactured with the most cutting-edge technologies. Audio engineers with their numerous years of experience create technologies to achieve the goal of quality. With the high quality craftsmanship and the Swiss made label Goldmund is able to maintain its supremacy in the audio market. With each new creation of products they have set standards for audio and video systems globally. They under no circumstances allow quality compromise and make a point to provide flawless service to their customer. They aim to bring on the best of products to their customers. With their matchless expertise and commitment they are ready to dedicate themselves to the manufacturing of fabulous audio/video products. Their motive is to reach their customers wish and make it happen. It has always been the customers who have motivated Goldmund to reach high. The customers expectation has made them look forward in designing and manufacturing new products. The technologies developed by Goldmund are mechanical grounding, Magnetic grounding, Amplifiers, Speakers modelling, and many more. Today at Goldmund they offer technologically advanced cutting edge products. Moving towards industry’s most advanced technologies we aspire to lead in the creation.

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+91 97899 85593

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