In our servicing business every aspect extends from commitment to excellence. We aim to satisfy each and every customer. As we are a notable company in India, we service not only the latest products but also the Vintage audio products. We service the products with maximum consideration and commitment. Be it any problem we guarantee to service your vintage audio products. Contact us to make your vintage products more accessible and easy to use. With us you would experience faultless service and complete satisfaction from start to delivery of the product.

Do you want to service Your Vintage Audio in India?



Vintage Audio

There is no need to throw away vintage products or just keep them aside at home. If you have any vintage audio products that you would like to bring back to life then you are welcome to our services. Power electronics takes pleasure to service the vintage audio products. We focus in the repair and servicing of vintage audio equipment such as spool recorder, gramophone, reel-to-reel recorder, tape decks and many more. Be it any brand of vintage products of local, national and even international brands we repair and service it. We have been repairing vintage audio products for over 33 years.

We call ourselves as vintage audio hobbyist as we love servicing vintage products. All our staffs are equally experienced and are knowledgeable about each and every vintage audio product. We adore bringing back the lovely sound quality and texture to these beautiful vintage audio machines. As vintage products are very delicate and mild, we handle it with care and dedication. Here in Power electronics we not only service but also provide spare parts needed for the vintage products. We also guide you with ideas and tips to take care of your products. This would be a great assistance to the vintage owners.

We never service a product as soon as we get it; first and foremost we research about the whole product and then start our servicing. It is the old products that remind us about how each product were introduced and invented. So we take great pleasure and interest in servicing and bring life into the old usage products. Many vintage products have made history in their own way and have changed the face of the audio industry. As a result we service it with great care. Many of our clients globally have come to service their vintage products from us. Vintage products of our clients from all over the world is still working well just as new.

For Service Call
+91 97899 85593

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