Power electronics does servicing for Nakamichi products as well. Our technician team are experienced in this area. You can depend on on us for its originality and novelty. Without losing its originality we service the product and with utmost alertness. Each product and customer is given a superior attention. Our technicians are experienced and capable about the product hence servicing won’t be tricky at all. We want all our customers to be 100% satisfied with our services. We won’t let our customers down and anything less than 100% just won’t do. We live with this philosophy and that has only helped us to captivate many people. Be it any problem we do servicing for Nakamichi products.

Do you want to service Your Nakamichi in India?



About Nakamichi

Nakamichi is one of world’s top manufacturers of audio/video equipment’s. The company had its origin in 1948 in a small research institute. It was founded by EtsuroNakamichi in Tokyo, Japan. It was called as the Nakamichi research and they started first by researching and then developing the electronic products. They are into high quality and high performance products. They launch cutting edge products that are widely available in United States, Canada and throughout the world. Nakamichi means a long, innovative and quality in the acoustic electronics. They are specialist in manufacturing speakers, portable radios, communication equipment and tone arms.

The company was later taken over by NiroNakamichi who is the founder’s younger brother. The company is well-known for its cassette decks and also for their innovative audio products such as high-end DAT recorders, ultra-compact slot-loading CD changers and self-centre record players. It was in the year 1950s where they manufactured the first of its kind of an open reel tape recorders. It was manufactured under the Magic Tone brand in Japan. They also created their own magnetic tape heads and Fidela 3-head open reel stereo tape deck in 1957. For a number of foreign manufacturers such as Harman Kardon, Advent, KLH, ELAC, Fisher, Sylvania, Concord, Motorola and Ampex in the year 1967 the company manufactured magnetic tape heads and equipment. High-quality stereo cassette decks were sold in the year 1973. These stereo reduced flutter and improved the signal ratio.

Nakamichi updated and extended their model range in the late 1970s with products including the Nakamichi 1000-II, the 700-II, and the lower-end 600-II. Later they also started to manufacture amplifiers and then speakers. In 2011 Nakamichi targeted the iPod docking systems and 3D LED TVs. Today Nakamichi is known as the pre-eminent leader in the audio equipment industry. The company has also received many awards to its credits.

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