Power electronics has a vast amount of experience with these spool recorders. We focus in this audio product and have an enormous extent of experience. This is possibly the best sounding machine made. With our experienced staff we service the Spool Recorder. These products have to be properly overhauled for them to be reliable. Customer satisfaction is what we aim for. Our main objective is to service products without losing the originality. We service the Spool Recorder products with extreme commitment and promise. We are available to any of the problem or services of audio products. Contact us to make your products more manageable and easy to use.

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Spool Recorder

Spool Recorder is a form of magnetic tape audio recorder. Here the recording medium is not held within a cassette but detained on a reel. The Spool Recorder is used by mounting the reel tape on a spindle. It is then manually pulled out and threaded the empty take-up reel. The tape is attached by a friction and then the tape starts to record.

This spool recorder was used in the initial years of tape recorders. Before the spool recorders it was the Telegraphone of the late 1890. These were used for dictation, radio station commercials and in telephone recording. The spool tape was also used in those days for data storage on mainframe computers. But in the old reel recorder metal wires were used as a medium. This created lot of problem such as poor quality, editing inconvenience and even sometimes tangling of the wires. The problem was solved by building a tape coated with iron oxide. After that there were two advantages which was the tape was recorded without 30-minute limitation. Also it allowed the recorded tape to be edited. Gradually the audio was also able to be manipulated. The editing of the tape was done by cutting the required point and then joining it by using adhesive tape or glue to the right section of the tape. This process is known as splice. This made it easy for editors to edit as wished and attach the needed file. Very rapidly and accurately a skilled editor can edit the tape and produce it quickly.

In the 1960s these spool recorder was very famous and was a great driving force for popular music. Later a home reel to reel recorder was also introduced. It plays stereo quarter tapes and records in one-quarter track mono. In the 1970s the noise reduction system was narrowed and the performances of cassettes and open-reel system reduced. These systems gradually disappeared from audio equipment shops. In the 1980s the sales were very low. It was then the studio audio which became progressive. Here the music, and the voices were able to mix together to bring into one. It was then the digital spool recording that came into existence. Here the studio recordings were made in the digital tape.

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