Power electronics strategy is to satisfy the customers first. Our services are also done for Tube amplifiers. We are a well-recognised company in India. We guarantee you that we are reachable to any of the problem or services you need for your amplifiers. With experienced and knowledgeable expertise our services are available. We make your problem easier with our service. Contact us to make your tube amplifiers more accessible and easy to use. We also guide you with tips and ideas concerning your product issues. We not only service but also offer you with best levels of advice and product choice. Power Electronics has been a leading service centre in India. Our services are done without losing the originality and work with extreme attention and keenness.

Do you want to service Your Tube Amplifier in India?



Tube Amplifier

Tube amplifier is also known as valve amplifier. It is a type of electronic amplifier that makes use of vacuum tubes to intensify the fullness of a signal. During the 1960s and 1970s the frequencies below the microwaves of the tube amplifiers were mostly changed by solid state amplifiers. One can see tube amplifiers in satellite transponders such as GPS and DirecTV, military applications, guitar amplifiers, UHF television transmitters, audio stereos, and high power radio.

Thermionic valves were made using the high-frequency amplifiers electronic amplifiers, before the creation of the transistor in 1947. It was in 1904 in London that while working for the Marconi Company John Ambrose Fleming invented the simplest valve. The diode was used as a radio detector and a rectifier and directed electricity in one direction only. Later in 1906 Lee De Forest invented the first electronic amplifying device by adding a third electrode which is the triode. It was named as the Audio. Between cathode and anode this triode controls the flow of the current. It was in the long distance telephony signals that the use of tube amplifiers was applied. Later it was used in the wireless markets. It was then used in the music and television.

It was in the audio products that the tube valves were used the most. It was preferred by many of the recording studio professionals. Even guitarist use tube amplifiers because of their renowned tone, pitch and nature. Scientist have studied that harmonic distortion created by the tube amplifiers sounds wonderful to ears. These days’ audio amplifiers are mainly used in the high-end electric basses, organs, guitars and many more. Though these products need different requirements still the tube amplifiers are designed and promoted. Advantage of this tube amplifier is that they can withstand very high transient voltages and give more musically satisfying sound.

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